Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Afghanistan Update

The suicide bombing that occurred yesterday was at the gates of the base where Brian is, but we have IM'd with him and were assured that he is okay. They are located quite some distance from the gates where the blast happened. And just like every other day, we were made aware of the lives being lost as our thoughts go out to all the families from all the countries emeshed in this war.

I think the thermometer is supposed to dip down to 32 tonight, but I did see an 80 on the horizon for the week end. There is still the ever-present blue sky and sunshine so that is a good balance for the cold nights.

I can't believe how much of a Wal Mart shopper I have become; mostly out of necessity since there is no other shopping available without going to Phoenix. Yesterday it was a hair cut, a pedicure, and Coleman electric refrigerator. The two local salons were booked out for about ten days, and we could just walk in and sign in at Wal Mart. Actually, I was fairly impressed with both the haircut and the pedicure, but perhaps that is because the salons are independent businesses - not WalMart.

I decided the refrigerator was an outside necessity to keep beer and soft drinks on hand. There is no room in the refrigerator for that assortment, and we are not disciplined enough to keep ice on the drinks when in a regular cooler. The problem will come when it is time to move on, and we have to find a place to stow it while traveling.

We are tentatively planning to head south toward Yuma and Organ Pipe National Monument when we leave here on the fifteenth of this month. We need to get some sun screens to hang from the outside awning and want to purchase them from the same company in Yuma that made our windshield screens. We have driven through Organ Pipe but would like to see it again, and it has a wonderful RV park that is close to the visitors' center but essentially right out in the desert.

This is the third day that Colleen has been without heat at home. It was determined yesterday that the motor on the burner unit had shorted out, but the repairman couldn't get a replacement until today. So she has been wearing Polar Fleece, ear muffs, and a hat. She has a small space heater and is burning the fireplace. And snow flurries were predicted.

Tomorrow is the last of the 60s birthdays for Ken. I'll give him his choice for dinner and have our traveling partners over for dessert which is yet to be determined.

Have a good day. Ciao

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