Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Rain, what else?

Actually yesterday and today have produced a few glimmers of sunshine, but the first few days at home were nothing but gray clouds and rain. Of course with all the rain, the yard was totally overgrown, except the apple trees which Craig had pruned, so we had a landscape service here to do a lot of trimming and to top the evergreens in front to open up our view.

Colleen gets back from Rome tomorrow night so we will get a first-hand account of the entire adventure. I understand the Italian orchestra did not arrive prepared, so there was an impact on the rehearsals and the performance.

If all goes as planned, we will probably leave for Arizona this weekend. We are about halfway through our commitments and appointments and should finish on Friday.

We went to Curt and Cinda's after church on Easter. As usual, we spent a very enjoyable afternoon of visiting and eating. Thomas is just beginning to get his feet under him, and he was taking several steps on his own as he walked from one person to another. That was Sunday, so he is probably running by now.

The Maersk Alabama captured my attention the entire time, and I especially connected with the captain and his family because there were two photos of him that looked exactly like our Keith. That plus the U.S. Navy involvement kept my interest up.

Craig and Cassie are having us for dinner on Friday night. That is always a treat because they, like the rest of this family, are great cooks and host and hostess. We have seen Craig briefly since we got home, but haven't seen the girls yet.

Here are Cinda and Linea's websites which are fascinating and informative reading. They are becoming very well know on several fronts, and hopefully on another once their book gets published. I am so impressed with their candor and honesty about the road they have traveled through Linea's illness, and I know they are a tremendous support for other families in the same situation. Bookmark these and take a look once in a while as they are both excellent writers.


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