Friday, May 02, 2008

Happy Friday

Hmmm, long time no blog. Again!!

I've been to Seattle at least once since my last blog, and I spent three days in Spokane last week.

Colleen is still living in chaos because she has had two business trips over the last two weeks, so she hasn't been able to tackle the painting, although the carpet has been replaced, and that has helped considerably with the odor. She has started the painting process so perhaps settling in is in sight.

I went to Spokane last week and spent two days at Rod and Karen's and two days at Jerry & Lois'. Karen and I attended a quilting class last Friday which I enjoyed thoroughly and learned at least a half dozen new tips and shortcuts. So of course another class means another project started, so I have been working to try and finish this small one before going back to some of the other works in progress.

Saturday was Lois' 75th birthday, so several of us showed up for the day and a dinner at Calla and Sam's, but she admitted she wasn't totally surprised. There were a few things leading up to Saturday that lead her to believe something was going on. Curt, Cinda, Linea, and Josh all drove over for the occasion. Calla and Sam are great hosts and serve a mean dinner.

I spent several hours at Mike and Mary's on Sunday and spent most of the time being entertained by grand nephew, Benjamin. At eight months, he is very cute and has developed lots of personality. When I took care of him last fall, he was not much liking me, but this time he seemed to think I was okay. He is a happy baby, and does he ever love his Grandpa Mike. He just beams when Mike walks into the room.

I did catch up with Elisabeth, and we had lunch together recently so we could catch up on each other's news. And today I invited her and Katherine, another friend from real estate days, to come for a day of sewing and chatting. Which we did with wild abandon and liked it so much that we are going to do it again next week at Katherine's.

I finally saw Cassie and Greta yesterday, and Craig. Even though Craig has stopped by a time or two, he was always by himself. Greta's first grade class put on a play yesterday, so I was invited to attend. Visualize about fifty adults seated in first-grade-sized chairs with the twenty or so first graders lined up in a row about two feet in front of us. Each youngster wore a costume, and the entire twenty minute performance was the story of Snow White told in rhyme, in unison, by the group. I was impressed at their ability to memorize that many lines. There was dessert afterwards, and I had a chance to visit with Cassie's mom, Joan, who came to town to see the performance.

I think next week's project is to work on the back patio and try to get it in shape for the summer. A few plants from last year were perennials and made it through the winter, so there is something to start with. Of course there is lots of moss to deal with, and the weeds are popping up.


1 comment:

The TA said...

Guess you didn't get to that patio over the weekend. Sorry about that.