Saturday, April 05, 2008

A Cooking Tidbit

I haven't had much to say lately, but I happened on something tonight that proved quite successful. I purchased some lamb shoulder chops which are about half the price of lamb loin chops, but everything I read for preparation talked about stews, braising, and long slow cooking. I couldn't be bothered, dinner was due in an hour so I borrowed a page out of Cooks Illustrated as shared with me by Brian.

The Cooks Illustrated article talked about blade steaks which are relatively inexpensive and flavorful, but again not a very tender cut of meat. Their solution in preparation for kebobs was to marinate the trimmed and cubed beef in olive oil with a couple of cloves of chopped garlic. However much of either ingredient for however long from fifteen minutes to four hours. I used about 1/4 cup of oil and two cloves of garlic for two lamb shoulder steaks.

I used the above marinade for the shoulder steaks after trimming them just a bit. i then cooked them on the stovetop at a pretty high heat for not very long........and they were quite tender and very tasty. Bon appetite!!

1 comment:

Gary Ousey said...

Carolyn says she will keep this handy tip, well... handy. lol