Monday, June 04, 2007

Getting Ready to Get Ready

I always seem to be in a state of preparing for something. This week it is getting ready to go to Mt. Home for a week. Since someone is coming to stay at the house with Skyla, I not only have to pack the motor home, but have to be sure to leave the house in order and some food in the 'fridge. On a completely unrelated note, I spent the better part of the day putting shelf paper on the shelves in the pantry!! Not a thing to do with getting ready to leave on Wednesday.

Colleen called about 1:30 this afternoon to say she had just arrived in Sydney. Her plane was late getting in to San Francisco, so she and another man had to have them open the plane's door to let them on. Out of the fourteen-plus hours between San Francisco and Sydney, she said she was able to get some sleep. Bassim is taking the full three weeks of vacation while she is there!!

Brian and Sheila have decided to fly to the east coast rather than drive so that means they will be here for an extra five days which makes us happy. They will take a red-eye on Saturday night, July 14. It also makes it easy for Sheila's mother to get them at Dulles on Sunday morning. But the main reason for the night flight is to be sure it is cool enough that the airline will allow the dog and cat to fly!!

Craig, Cassie, and Greta came for a visit yesterday and we had hamburgers and root beer floats for lunch. Greta loves horses and I found a copy of Black Beauty on sale at Elliott Bay Bookstore last week, so I read the first four chapters to her while she was here. I love reading to little ones, so it was a special treat for me. Plus I don't know if I ever read Black Beauty.

We do not have internet access at the FamCamp on the base in Mt. Home, so it will probably be at least a week before you hear from me again! Ciao

Ken and I stopped at IKEA yesterday after taking Colleen to the airport and it looks like they are in the process of yet another expansion/remodel. I think this is the fourth that I am aware of. And even with all the expansion in Seattle, IKEA just opened a new store in Portland. It is quite a success story. We made just a few small purchases, but it was easy shopping at seven in the evening on a Sunday.

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