Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Spring in all its glory

The dogwoods in front have been in full bloom for the past week, and the rhododendrons are just now beginning to open. We have one lilac bush on the west side of the house, and it too performed beautifully these past two weeks.

Today Ken is working on planting a snowball tree that the kids gave me for Mother's Day. I shared with Colleen that I remembered, as a youngster, someone whom we would usually visit over Memorial Day (Anna Taylor), and there would be her snowball tree in full bloom. We found one at a nursery in Tumwater and it is going to reside at the edge of the lawn nearest the driveway and close to the sidwalk. This has all been easy for me since I didn't pay for it and I am not the one planting it!! I did however pick it up and bring it home. The tree is about ten feel tall, so on its side it ran the full length of the Jetta, and I had to go through some interesting gyrations to shift gears.

Sunday was very enjoyable with everyone remembering me and pampering me. Colleen started the day with homemade banana bread, spinach quiche and mimosas and then Craig, Cassie and Greta joined us for the annual Mother's Day dining experience: KFC! Phone calls and flowers rounded out a very nice day. I really don't have a very demanding schedule at any time, but Mother's Day is fun to indulge myself and do just exactly what I want to do.

I have several sewing projects going - most of them for quite some time, but now I have ventured back into trying my hand at making myself something to wear. The jury is still out on that one, especially since I am using a pattern that I have had forever, and needless to say, it isn't quite big enough. More challenges.

We are on track to drive to Mountain Home on June 7 and 8 to be present for Brian's farewell and change of command. Then we are going to leave the motor home for them to use while moving out of quarters and they will drive up here with it about the first of July.

Brian's birthday is this coming Friday, May 18, and we have three other relatives who share the birthday as well as at least two people outside the family. Happy birthday to Brian and Mike - the two who read this blog.

Jeff and Bev are coming up for a visit next Monday. Jeff is a season ticket-holder for the San Jose Sharks, so as long as they were in the playoffs, we figured we wouldn't see them. But alas, they were eliminated, so travel plans could be made. We have nothing in particular planned, and if the weather stays as lovely as it has been, I'm sure we would be content to sit on the patio and swap war stories. Ciao

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