Monday, April 16, 2007

Ah Steilacoom

We found ourselves back home on Saturday afternoon and were welcomed by Colleen and Skyla along with an immaculately clean house and dinner! Who could ask for more? But all that wine tasting must have worn me out because I grabbed my toothbrush out of the motor home and was in bed by nine. Wine tasting is hard work.

We do have plenty of wine to show for our efforts; about 8 cases, so we should be in good shape for some time to come. Ken concentrated on the big reds and I went for the summer sipping wines such as riesling, light reds, and chardonnay. It is amazing to see the growth in wine country. Prosser seems to be the hub and not only are there lots of new wineries, but some of the established wineries are relocating to Prosser. We continue to seek out and support the smaller family-owned businesses rather than the likes of Chateau St. Michelle and Hogue, both of which are now owned by some huge, out-of-state conglomerate.

The weather here is quite all right, but I can't get warm since we have the usual clouds and threat of rain with little blue sky and sunshine.

I am excited that Karen is coming to visit for a few days. We are going to meet her and Rod in Chehalis next Sunday (at the Alpine/Alpenlite dealership), and Karen will come home with us while Rod goes on to Yakima for some work on the trailer and then on the road to Ft. St. John, BC for some business. We will take Karen to Spokane later in the week when we go over for the opening of fishing season. I hope Karen and I get more sewing done this time than we did all the time we were down south. I think I had my machine out just twice the entire winter.

I hear my bed calling me. Ciao

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