Thursday, December 28, 2006

We are still enjoying the season

We seem to be keeping busy. We have done a bit of post Christmas shopping and Keith, Janet and the girls just left for a day in Seattle. Since we can go anytime, we opted to stay home for the day. However, we might drive to Curt and Cinda's and rendevouz later in the day.

Craig and Cassie have been here two evenings to share dinner with us, and we will be going their way tomorrow. They gave all of us girls gift certificates for pedicures so tomorrow will be a girls' day at the salon.

There has been much eating, enjoying wine and game and card playing. Our prime rib dinner on Christmas turned out very well, and I probably will never be able to duplicate it. As usual, I combined several recipes plus my own ideas, but it all turned out well with the exception of rather flat yorkshire puddings. Well, you can't win 'em all.

I am already enjoying some of my Christmas gifts. I asked Santa for 100 #2 pencils and chisel-pointed erasers for my puzzle work - and he obliged. I also came across a stemware drying mat, and I love it. It looks like a refined rubber floor mat covered with little rubber bristles that raise the glass up enough to let air circulate; hence glasses air dried without spots. It is great.

We have had lots of rain, but the last two days have produced a few hours of blue sky and sunshine. In a couple of weeks we will be absorbing full days of the stuff once we get to Arizona. Ken looked at the web cams for the Siskyous this morning and the road looked fine with lots and lots of RVs heading south.

I hope all of you are staying well and enjoying the season. Ciao

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