Saturday, March 11, 2006

The rains came......

about ten last night, and it has been raining pretty much ever since. I think it is supposed to clear up by tomorrow afternoon, but as of now, Phoenix has received 8/10 of an inch.

We were up at five yesterday morning to get an early start for Yuma because there were threats of strong gusty winds. We made it with no problem, had the screens installed, and did a bit of shopping. While parked at Yuma Palms shopping mall, Ken discovered one of the outer duals was flat. "Hello, Coachnet?" We had someone arrive within a half hour and discover that the problem lay with the valve stem extension, and there was nothing wrong with the tire. So with an adjustment and some air, we were on our way. I used Coach Net one other time to unlock my car and in both cases, we signed our names and were on our way.

We said good by to the Ouseys, but we reminded ourselves that we only live about 100 miles apart, even though it is different countries, and we will get together this summer. They are such good folks and good friends. We have enjoyed our time with them. We have known them for about 30 years thanks to the US and Canadian forces.

Last night we overnighted at the Paradise Casino which is right across the road from Cocopah where we stayed in December. There are rows and rows of plowed dirt roadways separated by dirt berms. We just pulled in and parked. Tried the casino, but it was so smokey, I wouldn't go back. But Ken did and won $50 on a quarter machine. I was more than happy to accept half of his smokey-smelling winnings.

Since we were up at five, we were ready for bed by seven, but made ourselves stay up for a while. We had constant entertainment as we watched the various rigs come in and park for the night. Everything from a 40 foot long Dynasty to a box van with a welded rack on top that was loaded to the gills. Our guess is that is was someone who had just pulled up stakes from his Quartzite shop. He never set foot outside the van, so obviously was able to crawl into the back from the cab. It doesn't take much to entertain us, does it?

We were up at six this morning so we could be first in line at Mr. Goodwrench's place. We dined at McDonalds, shopped at the Yuma Marine Air Station commissary, and made a final quick pass through the Yuma market.

We arrived in Casa Grande about three this afternoon and are parked right across the street from the office and pool and spa. It is a smaller older park with quite a few park models, but friendly staff and everything very neat and attractive.

I can't think for the rain pounding on the roof. Ciao

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