Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Thanks to the Quilting Queen, Karen, I am now completely hooked on this hobby. I can't walk past my worktable without stopping to put something together. This all started because she purchased a pattern for a Christmas wall hanging, and I suggested she make two. Except now I am making my own, and having a wonderful time doing it. I was never the star pupil in home economics classes, certainly not sewing, so I am proceeding very cautiously - but enthusiastically. I just have to refrain from running out and buying all the latest and greatest gadgets, including a sewing machine.

I could probably justify the machine since mine is 40+ years old, and it was used when I bought it. I used it quite a bit when the kids were younger, and it was adequate, but it does have its quirks. My fallback would be my grandmother's 100 year old Singer treadle which still works just fine!!

We are having car woes. The Jetta was acting up and we were told that the tires are feathered, the brakes are wearing, the shocks are shot, and the boot? for the CV joint is torn. So $400+ later, the torn boot is repaired. The brakes and shocks will wait a bit, and Ken will have a discussion with the tire folks since we are still well within warranty. And the motor home has a couple of minor issues so it goes in this week, except now that it is over one year old, some things are not covered by warranty.

We are going to Pacific Beach on Sunday for four nights with the Spragues. It is one of our favorite state parks because there are sites that back right up to the beach - which becomes water at high tide. The town of Pacific Beach has 2 grocery/service station businesses and that is all. So it is a great place to go to relax and watch the waves. (And Karen is bringing her sewing machine!)

Sarah's high school boyfriend is now history, and she and Murph (a senior who also works at the UofM golf course) are an item. I haven't talked to her, but it sounds like she is adapting well to college - and the social scene.

I can't believe the Texas/Louisiana area is in the line of another hurricane. I talked to my cousin, Bill Davis, who lives in Sarasota, Florida. He loves the climate, and although threatened, they have never been hit by a hurricane. But he is questioning the wisdom of staying knowing that one day they won't be so lucky as to be bypassed. It is the same for us who live in the Puget Sound area with regard to a big earthquake - not a question of if but when.

I have a 7:30 appointment in the morning so I think I will trundle off to bed. Getting up at 6:30 just doesn't happen in my world!! Ciao

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