Friday, June 24, 2005

A new lawn mower?

Yep, that is as exciting as it gets around here. Our last one simply died and would have required a new motor which didn't seem to be cost-effective since the mower is several years old and past its prime. So Ken is outside at the moment giving the new one a test drive. It is definitely quieter than the last one.

We have been staying pretty close to home, and have no plans for the next few days. Colleen gets in about 11 pm on Sunday evening so that means a late night trip to the airport.

I have sent an email to an RV resort in Ehrenburg, Arizona, on the advice of the Ouseys, to see if we can garner a spot for the month of February so we can be their neighbors. However, I am finding that a lot of these RV places either don't or can't read and respond to email, so I suppose I'll have to do it the old fashioned way and use the telephone.

Next week end the tall ships will be docked in Tacoma and there is quite a lot of stuff going on in conjunction with. Perhaps we will have to take a peek while they are here. This week end is Taste of Tacoma where about 50 restaurants gather in the park to sell tastes of their wares for $5 apiece. I can think of more enjoyable ways to eat restaurant food.

The news this week has not been to my liking on two fronts: the expansion of the rights of a city with regard to eminent domain. I always thought a man's home was his castle, and was his to keep except in the case of eminent domain whereby the property is needed for public use such as a street. Now it seems a city or town can take the property (and pay fair market price......big deal) in the interest of improving the economy by making it available for development. And developers are some of my favorite people.....Not!!!! Aaargh. Then there is the ongoing diatribe by Bush and Rumsfeld and the like with regard to the war in Iraq. They have sanitized this war and reduced it to such non-human terms, that I can hardly stand to see or listen to them.

Okay, I feel better now. Have a great week end. Ciao

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