Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Can it be that summer is finally on it's way?

I am looking out my window at blue sky with just a light film of haze.....and I have the doors open instead of having the furnace running. Woohoo!!

Yesterday was graduation/party day for Linea Johnson graduating cum laude from Seattle University. We didn't attend the graduation, but were front and center for the party afterwards, which was great fun. Congratulations Ms Linea. Check out my Facebook pages for photos of Linea and her mom in their robes.

Our gift to her was a quilt that I made sometime during the past year, but of course had put off the finish work, so there were several late nights with needle in hand, but it was finished for the party yesterday. So another unfinished project to check off my long list of unfinished projects; what next?

We have been living for this past week with the the two downstairs bedrooms' furniture piled in the living room as the floors were being refinished. Starting today, we can move back into those two rooms, and in another ten days we empty the front of the house for the same process. The upside is that I don't have to worry about "keeping house".

Since the bedrooms are empty, we might as well paint, right? It sounds like such a simple task, and we have been at it for several days. The biggest problem is to find the right paint colors. How can the look change so drastically from the chip to the application? But we are now on track and should be able to finish up over the next day or two. It had been years since either room was painted, so they were overdue. The guest room is now two shades of blue, a deep blue on the ceiling, and a medium blue on the walls. Ivory trim and a strip of border wallpaper finishes it off. The other room is beige on top, taupe on the bottom with a lighter colored chair rail. I gave away the IKEA sofa bed that had served us well so now I am rethinking the entire room setup. And I got rid of the bed in the guest room so that needs to be replaced. Give me some warning if you are coming to visit so i can be sure to run out and buy a bed!

Brother Mike and a friend were fishing near Long Beach, Washington the past two days so they came by last night to stay before driving on to Spokane. They are sleeping in the MH, and I haven't seen a sign of them yet. Two days of getting up early, fishing all day, and catching nothing, will wear you out.

Here's to summer........sometime. Ciao