Sunday, October 28, 2007

It's been a week, must be time to blog

The party is over, and it was lots of fun. As of tomorrow, all the October birthdays will be over. There are 4 in our immediate family, plus a couple of friends.

Now Colleen is in Texas for a wedding and a day of work at a Fuller satellite office and will be home Tuesday evening. I'll be going to Spokane Tuesday afternoon to take care of Ben for a few days while Becky works and Mike and Mary go to Iowa. Keeping an eye on a two-month old shouldn't be too strenuous.

I have been doing some quilting, but it seems the projects are all in various stages of completion, as in none are completed. But then if I am out shopping and find some fantastic buy on fabric, I can't resist. Bev and I visited a very cute home decor shop in downtown Tacoma yesterday, and found some roll ends of lightweight decorator fabrics, sixty inches wide, at $5/yard. I don't know what I'll do with the 3 yards I purchased, but they are awesome.

The last two afternoons have been glorious with sunshine and blue sky breaking through the fog. Lots of leaves still on the trees makes for some beautiful scenery. And of course with the blue sky comes a spectacular view of Mt. Rainier.

Don't ask us what our winter plans are, because we still don't know, to the extent that we haven't decided in which month we are going to leave!! I'll let you know when we finally make a decision.


Friday, October 19, 2007

Party, Weather, and UFOs

Tomorrow is a 40 Already? party that Colleen is having ala German style. She and I have been busy in the kitchen preparing some hearty fall foods such as tasty homemade bread, hearty soups, and tasty beef casserole; all to be precluded by drinks and Aquivit and concluded with warm and spicy apple crisp and coffee. So we will get to meet and greet her coworkers from her Fuller office, and some of her college classmates. Fun!!! And I decided to capitalize on the party and invite some of our ‘contemporaries’.

We are still trying to figure out what our address was in Pensacola, Florida back in 1964 when Ken was going through pre-flight. Apparently one of the tornados of this week hit that street. I don’t remember any sort of threat while we were there, although we left in the fall, and I remember feeling as if we were being pursued by hurricanes when we made the trek from Pensacola to Corpus Christi; the two of us and 18 month-old Keith.

We have had some wild weather the past two days with rain, wind, and tonight we heard a clap of thunder. This is the first storm of the season, and I think there is more weather to come over the next few days.

Our youngest grandchild, Warren, turned twelve today. It seems what he really wanted for his birthday was a plane ticket to Roswell, New Mexico to check up on UFOs. That sounds like our Warren.

Steilacoom made national news with a 13 car train derailment here in town. It made the news simply because this is the main north/south rail line so the derailment has caused all trains from as far south as LA including Amtrak to be stopped. I think the line was supposed to be open again by this evening. It occurred right at the ferry crossing, so ferry traffic was held up for several hours too.


Tuesday, October 16, 2007

She's a poet and didn't know it

Colleen is in southern California this week meeting with the other directors of Fuller from around the west. So just an hour or two before leaving for the airport she created this little ditty as a greeting from the soggy, coffee-laden Seattle office.

Imagine if you will a tree – tall and proud,

With Little Seminarians hugging it all ‘round

They have salmon in their lunch pails

And coffee in their veins

And they go outside and play

Even when it rains

And rain it does!

Day after day, month in and month out.

But let there not ever be even thoughts of a drought!

When they aren’t playing, camping and recycling things

The Little Seminarians are at work with their brains

Most have the Three M’s so school take a while

Ministry, mortgage and marriage already set on their dial.

They read Childs and Fee and even some Mouw

(Hagner, Murphey and Guder round out their large pile!)

They parse verbs, use endnote and proofread for hours

The Seminarians of Seattle are bundles of power!

By bike or by hybrid, they schlep off to school

In their fleece and their gortex and smart socks of wool.

With their books and their laptops and yes, thoughts of YOU!

Did you know your hard work reached way up North too?
Student loans, drop/adds, pass/fails and tuition

We all work together to bring dreams to fruition!

Lift an espresso in a little blue cup!

To the Little Seminarians on the map way way up.

For so many people study has long been a wish….

So celebrate success by eating a fish!

Rain bound Seattleites and Portlanders too

Are so very thankful to be part of the few

Who can study and stay in their soggy, green homes

With spouses and kids and even yard gnomes!

I know I am prejudiced, but I thought it quite cute!!!

And rain

Thursday, October 11, 2007

October Musings

Another week has gone by……….and a leisurely weekend approaches. We have canceled out trip to eastern Washington wine country because the winery canceled the German wine and onion pie fest. As it turns out, it is not a good time for Rod and Karen to be away as his dad is in a coma and not expected to live but a few hours or days. He has been in failing health for the past year, and this comes as no surprise, but of course they need to be nearby.

Colleen is going out to dinner with girlfriends this evening to celebrate turning 40, and we had Craig, Cassie and Greta here for an early birthday dinner last night. It was Colleen’s favorite meal: pot roast, mashed potatoes and gravy, squash, broccoli, homemade bread, and apple crisp for dessert.

We spent last weekend with Craig and Cassie as well. Saturday afternoon we went to the Oktoberfest at the Puyallup Fair Grounds where there was German music, beer, and the worst schnitzel I have ever encountered. In an adjacent building was a Scandinavian Heritage festival, with lots of booths to browse.

Then on Sunday we joined C&C at the Mason County Fairgrounds in Shelton for the annual Oysterfest, which would have been fabulous had it not been raining cats and dogs. I felt sorry for all the organizations that had put so much effort into setting up booths with everything from food (oyster shooters, bacon-wrapped oysters, pie, chowder, etc. etc.) to sea life displays, wine tastings and musical entertainment. It ran for two days, so I hope the previous day was more lucrative for everyone.

Saturday night we attended an 80th birthday party for a lady with whom I used to play bridge. Her sister and brother-in-law, Jerry and Mary Ellen McKain who live a stone’s throw away, hosted the party and most attendees were family save the Kirkwoods. I had a good visit with Dick and Patty Quinn (Mary Ellen’s brother and wife). They lived in Spokane while brother Pat was ill, and Dick was a godsend through all of it.

I can’t believe how entangled we become with medical care. The more we try to tie up loose ends before we leave for the winter, the more convoluted it becomes. It seems like every step/appointment forward equates to two backward. A single follow-up appointment with my regular doctor resulted in some consultation/physical therapy to determine what if anything can be done for my aching back, so that will certainly take some time. And Ken has ongoing appointments between his regular doctor and oncologist. Getting old is not for the faint of heart.

It is very fall-like around here, and the trees are spectacular. We have had rain off and on with more predicted, but nothing we can’t live with. All in all quite mild and pleasant.


Thursday, October 04, 2007

Bad News turns to Good News

Craig called earlier this week to say that someone broke into their house on Monday, and took electronics, chain saw, and some sentimental items such as a ring that had been Cassie's great grandmothers, an afghan that Craig's grandmother had made for him, and a .22 rifle that a neighbor in California had given Craig when Craig was still in grade school.

Fortunately, a next door neighbor took note of the frantic activity and got descriptions, car make and model and license number. So by Tuesday, the detective had found the female who was involved. He called Craig and Cassie and took them out to the house where they found what they think is most everything. As Craig said, it is difficult to know what you are really missing.

The house was awful and strewn with needles so Craig and Cassie cleaned everything with hydrogen peroxide.The detective said there would be additional jail time (five years?) because they stole a gun which means they left the premises armed!! That was a new one one me.

I know we shouldn't be so attached to worldly possessions, but it hurts to lose those possessions that hold sentimental value. I hardly slept on Monday night for thinking about their loss. So we are all much relieved.

Ken and I went to the Tacoma Dome RV show today, and didn't fall for anything. We are still pretty happy with what we have. Not that we went with buying in mind, but we always go with an open mind. I continue to be amazed at how uninviting I find the decor. At least they have gotten away from the garish of a few years ago, but now so many of the interiors look like a waiting room in a doctor's office. More and more with the high end units, the televisions (flat screens) are located mid-coach to allow for a more comfortable viewing area, and some coaches even have double 'theater-style' loungers.

Unitl next time, Ciao.